Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Telecharger Tech Dech

pineapple water for the beautiful ladies

В конце As usual, the release of new book Pelevin. Some have suggested that Victor O. on the contract.

Reading new things like Pelevin search swallowed diamonds in the rectum of guerrilla corpses during the war of America in Vietnam. Do it only because I love Pelevin is not the first ten years and have not lost hope.

book is a collection of short stories, as the "P5". Stories of six pieces.
most readable of them - hotel is good incarnations , cute little veshchichki. If at the end does not spread Pelevin his usual "AE, Kawai!" And managed to keep the transparency - very well could be.

Thagi anything either. Very delivers a walking network quote:

- What is a Bone from a practical point of view? - Asked Aristotle article. - We're People in this matter completely dark.

- Training of the spirit, - said Boris. - In order to gain freedom from attachment. Only in reality ends up that instead of a wheelbarrow with a man by shit rolls on two lives - their home, and Tibetan. First, the work otpashet like Papa Carlo, and then sitting in his closet recite spells in canine language to appease the public a naga, which for anyone else just no ... And psychosis is raging on two fronts at once. In general, there is all sorts of entertainment. Each practice as he wishes.

Operation "Burning Bush" and contemplative shade - the longest stories in the book and on this their similarities do not end there. First of all, both start well and end badly. Beginning about Bush - even super, Odessa there ... and more ... "Sozertsal shadow "I did at first thought," Pelevin - ONE! ", but at the end of course it was all messed up. Remarkably, the" te "as it was - a novel fucking began, had a delusional middle, and no end.

pleased that dispensed gomosyatiny. Thank you, Pelevin. Metaphors with homosexual anal sex certainly screwed up, but I thought Dobrosvet and Shmyga still each other in the ass fucked. No, nothing happened this time.

about Bush - in reality Dzhinireyshin Pi ", and earlier books in this series called wow-impulses. It was nice. Now, wow-impulses, and no I did not like:) Two Lemon Green's not the money, "Meares" - not enough wow-impulssov be! Where's my wow-impulses?

Pelevin seems more rides that his books are perceived as delivering a set of citations, and that the crap is written between quotes no one cares. Master became a separate quote to write and decorate them with red lines and bold, so that no one missed the vivid images. As a result, quotes look strained, as a joke from a notebook or Zadornov like Krusty the Clown.

However, time will tell, maybe those lumps Monash rastaschat sperm in their zhzhshechki.

Very Vipassana surprised praise at the end of Bush. Usually Pelevin jiving all practices without exception, and here ... Vipassana taxis, reborn Lamas and Buddhism lines Ole Nydahl - shit. Provincial assaults on Moscow's Buddhists. The author teaches Vipassana? He dictated it over the tooth?

Freedom Libirator. Total - Authentic Pelevinskaya Bredyatina, understandable and funny only to the author himself, well, perhaps even those who have bought into (like a fish on Privoz!) On his confident tone. However, There are moments of standing:
1.) Lecture kriptodiskursu - in memoriz!
2.) Idea that the aircraft can be trolling to blame and that trolling should really wrap drugs.
If the topic of homosexual anal sex is disclosed only at the level of citations, the inescapable pelevinsky Pont English - with us.

Soviet rekvium. about the future like the past. in Russia today, in this sense is just no future - of this we have all the arenas and strategies 31. The world as a cell with "forex" - very old obsession with the patient, the second after gliyanogo gun. Boring and sickening.

Mystique Pelevin, as you know, a paraphrase of Buddhist truths. Find discover something new in his carts "consciousness of a Buddha in the hands of Allah, but Allah's hand in the mind of a Buddha" can only be unfamiliar with the original person. But love We Pelevin's not the novelty of ideas, and a very bright, clear, funny, beautiful, penetrate, taking the soul of their description. Valuable in Pelevin not that said, and as said.

Pelevin in each wrote a book about my clay gun. And God be with him - let him write. If only beautiful, but would be greatly, if only breathtaking.

So, when I read his story "Ivan Kublahanov" - I have a heart-stopping, and when I read the ending, "Shadows of the beholder" - a gate, although writing about the same.

Total, three stories have merged the middle and ending, two all rotten inside and out, but the carts of kriptodiskurse and "thagi" - well, Nitsche ...

book places very boring to read . Browse through the pages. It is no good.

And like passages about Ukraine:)) At a time when children did not know that instead of English should be taught Ukrainian ...)
more about the topic itself pineapple water - a good one.
And even smiled play on words: "cast in granite" and "soak in the toilet":)


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