Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Re-certified Lifeguard

three years ago I visited the grave of Meyrink

and wrote about it on the forum. Drag here

First Meyrink interesting role in German literature. Meyrink not read no one except those who read it was required by duty. That is, I met a well-read nemetsv who have read Umberto Eco, Herman Hesse, saw even the Germans who himself, before his meeting with me, read Strugatsky. But Here's a German who would read Meyrink I've never seen. Every time I tell them that it is better Meyrink in general there is no one look at me blankly. This causes they have some sort of liberal confusion in the spirit of "if Meyrink was a good writer, we would have stood in his sights and we would be in the school were" ...

The school Meyrink do not pass. As motivation - he Austrian writer. Or Czech. But not German.

So I set out to find the grave of Gustav Meyrink. In the Wiki should only that he was burned in the crematorium of Starnberg, where he lived with the 1911th to 1932nd years. And what is interesting - Starnberg was practically village (population of three thousand people) Meyrink when he moved there. Currently, the population of Starnberg about 30-thousand, and that even by the standards of Germany is not much.
And there is a list of honorary Citizens Starnberg. All there professors, pilots, some, in general dude who from Starnberg, and that this city somehow glorified. So, Gentlemen, Gustav Meyrink, who wrote in Starnberg all his major works ("The Golem" in our 15th year? And he Starnberg with the 11th, so all the books out there written) - it not an honorary citizen. He's not on the list. The city of Starnberg, you see, there were more worthy people for whom it is worth mentioning.

began to look grave Meyrink. Until only knew that he was burned in the crematorium Starnberg, there was no information, even if he is buried there.

Starnberg - a town in Bavaria, 32 minutes by train number six from the main station of Munich. But the main station to go is not necessary, in fact, from the border to Munich, Starnberg five to ten minutes, so that this is the closest, the closest suburb. And the most expensive of all. In the luxurious Lake Starnberg, old houses, three-story mansions of those who are smarter than ... From Starnberg direct route to Munich and Bavaria, the wealthiest people are trying to own a house is on Lake Shtarnbergskom supply. Chef Chef's my mom's house there is a particular ... That's me to the fact that the city itself Starnberg all know. But absolutely nobody knows nothing about Meyrink, nor about his bond with this city even more.

neighbor of my parents Munich elderly aunt librarian. Librarians in Germany the people on duty read, aunt, "she read all that is needed is for sure." In particular, read She and Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy and Turgenev and Gogol and Bulgakov. Not because he loves this thing, because required. German writers, she called me Tuyev Khuchua of which I have not heard one. Either they are not translated into Russian, then I so dark. But the fact is most interesting is that she did not read Gustav Meyrink. Read everything. All read. A Meyrink not. Heard about it, of course, outright called me a "Golem" and that the Prague prose and all the cases. But reading is not reading.

I have her on the forehead asked why in Germany, nobody, not even the most well-read people who are not familiar with the work of Gustav Meyrink. Why and how did it happen that Meyrink not go to school. Meyrink - A sample of the brightest, imaginative and lush language, painter, poet in prose, but what you want ... How could so far and seriously push Meyrink? And my aunt
politely explained. She said that Meyrink not pass, not because he was Austrian or poorly wrote, but because Meyrink affects many aspects of the esoteric that students simply do not explain.
-A at all, "she said," should keep in mind that Gustav Meyrink was interested only in the context of his time. Then He wrote satirical interesting things, then he wrote the mystical horror stories. But German literature is filled with much more great writers and that person You touched Meyrink, Boris, it's very good, but strange at the same time, because Meyrink was one of many, even at the time, but in our it and does almost no one knows ... -I am still choked after the word "satire", and timidly asked that he wrote a satirical Meyrink. It turned out that Meyrink books were full of "bitter satire" against ... she used the German word which I did not know I had asked me to explain it to the floor, she said that the word for those people who punty many who getting better all know someone who's nose up and who are still selfish at the same time. Vobschem here against just such snobs Meyrink wrote satirical stuff. That is such a writer. Interesting only in the context of his time. What do you think?

remarkable that she read to me about Meyrink of a brochure, so it's not her personal opinion, this is some kind book for librarians was. This is the official view of German literature at the Gustav Meyrink, apparently. Satirist. The author of horror. Stephen King-type of the doroschennogo. She also told me that Meyrink before his death embraced Buddhism and that in general there in his books a lot of religious symbolism that nobody understood and because it does not read. That students, and generally people do not need it.

Then she said with great respect that Meyrink lived in Starnberg, indicating that its very, very much a weak financial position. Shtarnbergskoe lake beginning to be built estates of wealthy people is in the second decade of the past century, so if Meyrink lived there, he was a very wealthy man.

librarian proved to present a German and said:
-find out where the buried Meyrink you can in the information booth at the station in Starnberg. Or at City Hall in the municipal government cemeteries.

serious approach. I went early in Starnberg Wednesday morning the third of January, went without much hope to find Meyrink. Just for the sake of being in that city and to be closer to the goal the next time. I'm hoping that I would not be the last time his parents in Munich and if there is resting Gustav Meyrink, then someday I'll be there.

in Starnberg on Meyrink not like nothing. When I walked the streets of Amsterdam, I just felt in the face of the Green ", I think I left Prague for the city, where the golem ... Starnberg - tiny town at the foot of Munich, on the shore of a huge lake (wider Volga River, the lake is very clean and beautiful, it starts at ten meters from the train station (and still clean ...), so if you're in Starnberg wait at least five minutes on its shores) and in Starnberg nothing grand. I tried to feel the soul of something connected with Meyrink, feel confident, that Meyrink seen this lake, it is his city, and that somewhere there were born Angel western windows "and" White Dominican, "... Nothing. City as a city. Nothing is felt.

Went to Information near the station, approached the smiling guy, I say:
-those things, I'm a tourist, I want to visit the grave of the German writer Gustav Meyrink, who lived in your town. Do not tell me what cemetery he is buried? -The guy slams his eyes and screams his boss:
-chief, Gustav Meyrink - had heard something about a writer?
-No. -Responsible him chief. And rightly so. Why should the Information Desk to know something about Meyrink? Who did this Meyrink, eh?

guy decides to take my problem seriously and (Zadornov be glad), he discovers in his own competence Wikipedia.
-in Wiki is worthless for this account. "I said immediately. The guy sheepishly Wikipedia closes and opens ... what do you think? Google it opens. www.google.de - should also help the client ...
-in Google either. -Spoken I. -I searched in English, German, in Russian. If you can find information buried where Gustav Meyrink, well done will be.

Then the guy calls me at Department of Culture Municipality Starnberg. During the conversation it becomes clear that the cultural department of the town of Starnberg is also strongly aware of who is Gustav Meyrink in general and where to find him.

Comrades, I have all this time, the words of Dietrich recalled. What do you want, I can see for just such a person hiding Meyrink of the population is not just limited and targeted sabotage. People like Meyrink not necessary ... In Russia objectionable imprisoned and sent to a lunatic home, Germany is working thinner - she simply forgets. Satirist Meyrink. Yeah. And the tourist information center in the town of a population of 30,000 does not know that in this town the grave of the writer of this caliber. How do you? I could not believe it, tell me who. Do not know this. Was not. There was no Gustav Meyrink. Small, interesting writer exclusively in the context of his time. That's it.

Department of Culture, too, was not in the know. Kid promised to call at the same management of cemeteries and banal inquiries as if Meyrink was just my friend, not a world celebrity.

Meanwhile, I went for a walk around the city. In the town strongly nothing remarkable. Only the old castle which now takes control of city finances.
On the street I caught a little old lady intilligentnogo species and politely asked her:
-you live in Starnberg?
-course, soon as 50 years! Gordo said the grandmother.
-In this city there was Gustav Meyrink. This is such a writer. -Grandmother's face was clear that she did not read ... and did not hear about this too. "He died in the thirty-second year, do you think, in what the city cemetery, he would lie?

walked with grandmother in the city. She brought me to City Hall and invited to apply to the management of cemeteries ... Running in parallel taught to use the elevator. In the Municipality, said the elevator would be. There must press the button, wait for the elevator door opens, go inside ... I managed to insert that studying at a German university at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, but the grandmother was not to appease. Listened to detailed instructions on how to use the elevator.

He went into the Municipality did not find management of cemeteries and moved to a guy in infobyuro. He handed me a piece of paper and card. The old cemetery, Section 12, grave number six.

So, if anyone would be: from the station go up the Maksimillianshtrasse, there will be a big intersection, you must go to the left of Hanfeldershtrasse. On the right hand will soon see the cemetery where a number of further administrative court. The very entrance to the cemetery at the intersection of Hanfeldershtrasse and Max-Emanuel-Strasse.

Cemetery small. Actually inspect each grave. When you log on any buried wonderful people. Luxury gravestones, says that this is the tomb of a professor or a general or somebody else like that. Among the graves Meyrink luxury large graves was not there.
I walked the cemetery - not found. Room partitions nowhere. He went into the house to the cemetery superintendent, saying "looking for a section 12, grave 6.
-Come on. "And took me.

In the center of the cemetery is a column and it is Christ. Maybe not a colony and a cross. But I thought the column. Vobschem as cemetery will go there at once that of Christ in the center of sight. We must go to Christ and from the right hand of the fourth stone is the one that you need.

tombstone higher than a man. Grey, even almost black. At the top of the grave circle divided into four vertical cross and in each sector, one letter. VIVO. It's still written on his grave.

first wrote the name of his son, apparently. Male name (I can not remember which) and written by Meyrink. Date of death 1932nd.
second line is himself Gustav Meyrink, 1868-1932.
third line, apparently, his wife. Died in the 60th. 62nd or 63rd, I think.

stone fly completely overgrown with some kind of loach, on the occasion of the winter this was all without leaves. Bars any. The grave is very high and all overgrown. Cleared only place on the stone where the names are written. The names of the letters written by prominent, that is not Gold Plated, and carved the names.

Stone perfectly normal, simple, and standing next to a more solid look. Below, on the very grave, grow some strange purple plants. Even without flowers, but as a scuba something. No such violet rostitelnosti I on the other graves are not discovered.

Very obyydenno and quiet. Old cemetery in Starnberg, deep in the cemetery, in a series of perfectly ordinary graves. Slightest pathos. I'm not even sure that the cemetery superintendent knew that the grave of the writer. Near the grave of all the stones are also bear the date 1932, apparently just settled here in the 32nd year.

long stood in front of the stone and for some reason thought to touch it or not. Stood. Even talking to a stone. But somehow, I increasingly felt that neither the stone nor the city have nothing to do with myself Gustav Meyrink. VIVO. I live. He's not here, guys. And the stone that has no relation to Meyrink. No stone goes from no particular energy, I even thought that the stone "lit" slightly weaker than the rest of the graves ...

to touch a stone I did not. Photograph, too. Went once. And touch and fotkat. Another would be next to the grave sfotkatsya, yeah ... Just slightly bowed, and went to the stone itself. I can see in front of a word and just below VIVO Gustav Meyrink 1968-1932

as is, without correcting mistakes and turnovers, now would it all совсем не так написал.

Тут оригинал.


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