Thursday, January 20, 2011

Need Help With Bad Rash On Breast

it helps in the life of Buddhist practice

Try to tell someone:
-I am a practicing Buddhist, every day, meditate, -в ответ наверняка услышишь:
-И как тебе это в жизни помогает?

Характерно, что если сказать "я крещёный православный и каждую неделю хожу в церковь" никто this will not ask.

I try to understand the thinking of such voproschayuschego. Life from his point of view is when the morning alarm rings, then Metro, then work, then Metro again, then ravioli with sour cream and sleep. Here in this process somehow has to help the Buddhist practice.

If you want a lot of money - well Work. Do not meditate, but it works:) If you want a lot of women - go to women. Do not meditate, do not, namely, go to women. Pursuing religious practice become more relaxed (ie passive pofigistichnym) and do not gnaw his place in the sun with a proper rage. Meditation in the "life" does not help, but hinders my friends.

Buddhist master, perhaps as an Orthodox saint, not perfectly arranged in life, and just kept on this very life at a respectful distance. Meditates day and night, or praying, and credit cards he has not. And we, the homeless are spiritual, or have a credit card or know how to get it, but for him this problem unreachable. And if you have such a spiritually enlightened man something to do with the bank or even solve some problem of life, of which every day we decide to tens, he calls us, spiritual vagabonds, and asks us to razrulit his problem because he only knows how to defend the life of 10 steps and observe his holiness, and do anything he can not and do not want to be able, for only begin to do - holiness is gone, and currently sit on the sidelines and over again that all vanity and decay.

You look at some of the Buddhist teachers are absolutely helpless in all worldly matters and to count every penny of your allowance unemployment, and can not help recalling a question "and how do you practice in your life work?". Yes, as you say, Cheburashka ...

In the case of teachers azitskimi there is a feature that in the spiritual level is given the ability to make something natural for Asians with the birth and profoundly alien to Europeans. He knows how to have chopsticks - he is enlightened, we can not - we urgently need to pay for retreats, for we are spiritual vagabonds. In this case, no one confused that enlightened in the metro orient can not, because it has no subway in the mountains.

course, there is another type of teachers. They do not get on the subway, because they have a jeep with a driver. They have their own website, training schedule, and sex with enthusiastic Buddhist, but about them another time somehow.


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