Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Maxine Jokes On Healthcare Plan

Psychological characteristics of trading

Absolutely all traders in varying degrees, are experiencing the same emotional problems, foremost among which are fear, greed and hope. Probably, many traders are familiar stupor when you sit in front of the monitor and watch as the price moves further and further against your open position. And whenever the hand goes to close the position and put an end to their torment, the brain instantly blinded by the hope of reversal. Another frequently widespread option is a case where a losing position is somehow still locked, but then opens up a new, trying as quickly as possible revenge for the previous one.

In both cases, as a rule, this leads only to exacerbate the situation and, consequently, to large losses. This state can be called a poker term "Tilt" when emotions take up over common sense and received inadequate solutions, completely forgetting about all their strategies and internal installation.

Consider the reverse situation.

open position is profitable - hooray! Let's hurry it will close, and tomorrow with renewed vigor and a clear head look at what to do. For the majority of people such trading is psychologically more comfortable. It turns out that a trader suffers a loss-making position, as the hope of clinging to any "nice" factors, and profitable - quickly closed because it was terrible, that is about to lose profits (better tit in the hands ...), ie, takes its greed. As a result, sooner or later (depending on the rules of money management), the matter ends zeroing of the account.

Statistically the vast majority of beginners, especially active traders lose all the money in the first year of trading. If we talk about Forex, what this figure rises to 95%. Even in competitive accounts, where they sell the virtual money and psychological stress is absent, the number of losers is much exceed earned.

reason for these results is the absence of a trading plan. If you make trades only on the basis of their intuition, to guess to almost every transaction. A characteristic feature of beginners is the large number of small profitable trades that overlap several unprofitable and eventually turns negative, which in turn directly reflects human psychology. However, if you try to do everything exactly the opposite, ie quickly fix the damage and wait for a large profit, the result is not likely to change much. Why?

The fact that psychologically sustain a profitable position is much harder than losing. Paradoxically, but resist the temptation to profit much harder than sitting in a losing position. Therefore, in this case at the initial stage to earn unlikely.

Losses or something to teach, or a person simply lose interest in trading. There is not one of the famous trader, who could earn a fortune without a trading plan, but counter-examples loss of capital - do not count. Develop your trading plan "with the bay-floundering" will not work. First you need to learn nakoplennyy experience of the world trading acquainted with the well-known strategies, and, of course, the main teacher is the market itself, which teaches the loss of real money. Borrow (buy) someone, and let the super-profit strategy is unlikely to yield positive results. It's a dead end road, because to experience all the subtleties and nuances of another algorithm still does not work, namely, the result depends on them.

One of the main problems facing the trader - is to understand itself, its nature, temperament and attitude toward risk. What kind of money you are willing to risk? If you can quietly watch a profitable position and make profits grow? Think ли Вы, что движение рынка можно предсказать? В какой перспективе? Что Вы будете делать, если завтра рынок откроется на 10% не в ту сторону?

Ответы на эти вопросы help from the baggage claim area of knowledge select the appropriate segments, and which will form the basis of your strategy. No less important rule is strict adherence to its algorithm. Even a good strategy may cause damage if you do not abide by the rules outlined in any developments on the market. Many are very good traders can not make solely because of psychological imbalance and impulsive trades will go along something "better", etc. About 80% of trading success is based on a stable psychological state, and only 10% - less engineering input / output (the remaining 10% - good luck, the case). Cast-iron discipline - Significant term success. Trading on the plan, albeit not very well, much better intuitive decisions. And the emotions we leave to the poor.


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