Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Coconut Oil Templates

DVD with the music - where to buy?

Dear Muscovites and visitors!

Where to now be in Moscow to buy a DVD-ROM with music? I need a disk group "picnic" "XXV".

About 10 years (maybe more) ago, when I have something in Moscow to buy, there were "Rock arsenal" to the "Kursk", a shop for "Kuznetsk bridge" (I was there two cassettes Yankees bought, still in the basement lie), and of itself Gorbushka. Not exactly Gorbushka was before, a year since the 97th ...

In general, companions, where to go, where I sell the coveted DVDshku?

on "Ozone" his unavailable, and when it appears - I was late, I probably should.
other stores I do not know, unverified / other than recommended to take place not want to.


Drawing Dunebuggy Free


shadowjack fatal ru

is a virus, here to seek.

Intel 4500 Second Life

information warfare

When the 2002nd for the third time became the president of Belarus Lukashenko, people protested and broke a tent city on October Square. I had friends there and I knew them as everything "really." And then seen Learn how people wrote about this town is not what I told and shown to friends. So I saw this politically biased nonsense Learn and realized that Learn actually employs professional provocateurs.

Yesterday have Malgina provocateur suffered Epic Fail:

got out as much five nicknames , who had all five of a aypishnik and which at the same time, communicating with each other, encouraging each other, letting each other links and otherwise portraying the crowd, tried to convey to the beautiful poddevshego Malgina power and its readers ideas Stability: do not rock the boat, evolution rather than revolution, you never know who will replace the power, the country does not need civil war will only get worse, in general - just sit quietly.

Nothing betrayed Shtirlitsa like dragging a parachute behind him.

I think they will soon be all the same with different addresses to sit. And then just like something even a power offensively.

PS: There is a Nicholas Starikov - [info] nstarikov . It was all five clones, said Malgin.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Such a scenario they prepared for us,"

Originally posted by [info] avmalgin at "Such a scenario they prepared for us,"
two hours on the state channel Vesti bottom line is hung: "Dmitry Medvedev: The scenario in the Middle East as Russia will not pass ".

I had seen, was very much surprised: but why should he have tried on the events in Russia? There the people overthrew zasidevshihsya in power leaders who, for 30-40 years or canceled, or profane elections, imposed censorship, paramilitary situation, set one-party system, crushed the opposition. Did our president sees there is something in common with our democratically elected government, with the beloved people "One Rosiey? We regard this as?

If you're up there zassali or sit quietly. Why did you tell the day that you have wet his pants?

Egg Plant Monatomic Gold

so I sought the kingdom roam the roads of the sacred simplicity

I have a cart on what should be a cinema and literature. Cart is old, I wonder why it still does not have a LJ. Now have a reason - I have this cart run.

in the minds of some citizens of a book about the serious fundamental questions must be written in a language that can not read it. If a book written by a living language and funny to read it very interesting - it means the author of surface and no serious issues so can not open and trying.

similar film. If he shot a lively and interesting, there are a lot of jokes and dialogues, it means to us no more than a comedy. If he is cleared tyagomotno and sad and shot a couple of minutes inhibited the giant full-screen eyes of a child - it means we face an elitist film and certainly it reveals all the secrets of the universe.

However, it should distinguish between form and content of the product.

I believe that anyone touching a really serious questions about the movie (the book is also applicable) must be removed at the earliest possible easy and accessible form

That is, heavy tyagomotnaya form - this is a serious negative film (the book) and not a plus.
very good film: "Interstate 60". I do not know a better movie in content but in form it is easy and ridiculous.
example of the good book: "The Hermit and the six-fingered." I do not know the deeper books on the content (Tao Te Ching?), But the form book light, funny and (!!!) short.

So - should be.

Sometimes justified tyagomotina. For example "The Glass Bead Game" Hesse. Hesse did not write as Pelevin, but in the case of his "Glass Bead Games," the language is justified. Costs pushed his way through it.
example from the world of cinema - "Stalker" by Andrei Arsenich. There for 5 minutes show how people on the trolley ride: either you kidding, no dialogue, not even boobs. But Tarkovsky's all in their places, he is clever.

Only most complicated forms maksiruetsya just lack of content and form complicated to other people can officially classify themselves as speaking nebydlu "Oh, see what a complex / elitist thing I watch / read." More than this, as a rule, nothing.

characteristic that my conclusions are valid for scientific publications. Books on various engineering disciplines in Russian is usually written in a way that I have anything in them do not understand modern books in English / German for the same topics written by simple and accessible, although their scientific value and depth of content does not concede boring domestic counterparts. Book on discrete mathematics written in the style of "blah-blah-blah" is written so not because diskretka complex and different it can not be described, but because the author wrote can not or considers inappropriate for such complex abstract subjects to write simply.

That's why I do not like elitist cinema / arthouse.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

South Park Xepisodes On Iphone


from Germany to the most convenient fly to iskupnutsya in the ocean? I come to mind Portugal, Canary yes.

consider only the Schengen area. Goa does not offer.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gallbladder Hair Loss

Should I cut from Russia!?

I'm reading now Sarratsina "Germany self-destructs", very much. Yesterday came across a series of posts about how everything is bad in Russia :-)

briefly, what it meant:

1.) Classmates, friends, classmates and just young Putin - billionaires.
2.) Putin has 40 billion dollars.
3.) Putin put Medvedev.
4.) Caste Russian society. Flashers.
5.) Minimum consumption basket. Five shorts for two years.
6.) Complete absence of sane political opposition. United Russia zombies of the CPSU. United Russia - the party of crooks and thieves, hi bulk.
7.) Painting. 50% of Russia's GDP - a bribe.
8.) Statistics on crime cops. Caste officers. Pearl Ensign.
9.) 20% of world heroin consumed in Russia.
10.) Anastasia Tkachev. 22. Billionaire. Niece of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory.
11.) The total theft. Humble home of General Bokova.
12.) Science, Industry, and nanotechnology.
13.) Army Russia
14.) Secondary and Higher Education in Russia
15.) Olympic road. Monolithic piece of asphalt at 48 miles long and a height of 20 floors.
16.) Justice in Russia.
17.) Fires and natural disasters in Russia.
18.) Chechen question.
19.) Territorial integrity
20.) 9 rules of IT business in Russia:
1. Keep your server abroad.
2. Register Domains abroad.
3. Register companies abroad.
4. Keep your money overseas and do not hold your eggs in one basket.
5. Do not hold, say, the eggs in one basket! ..
6. Keep the database abroad.
7. Document everything that concerns your security.
8. Separate assets and risks.
9. You can still surrender voluntarily.
10. Traveling abroad.
21.) Foreign policy Russia. Relations with its neighbors.
22.) Ecology of Russia
23.) Station Kushchevskaya.
24.) Earnings in Russia
25.) Housing in Russia
26.) Russian Medicine
27.) Russian demography.
28.) Russia takes first place in the world:

1 in the world, the absolute value of population decline
1 in the world in the number of suicides among the elderly
1 in the world in the number of divorces and children born out of wedlock
1 in the world in the number of children abandoned by their parents
1 in the world in the number of suicides among children and adolescents
1 place in the world in deaths from diseases of the cardiovascular system
1 in the world in the number of patients with diseases of the psyche
1 place in the world in terms of trafficking
1 in the world in the number of abortions and maternal mortality
1 in the world in terms of heroin use (21% of world production)
a place in the world in terms of sales of spirits
a place in the world for the consumption of alcohol and alcohol products
a place in the world in growth rates of smoking
1 in the world in the number of children smoking
a place in the world growth rate of HIV infection
1 in the world in the number of air crashes (13 times the average level)
1 in the world in the number of billionaires who are persecuted by law enforcement agencies
1 in the world by number of accidents
a place in the world imports of Chinese Car
1 place in the world by importing kangaroo meat from Australia
a place in the world in volume of exports of rough diamonds
a place in the world explored Stocks silver

say that Russia first in population decline, when the 2009th loss was not generally - a strong step :-)

2002 Ap Biology Lab 1 Diffusion And Osmosis


just awful

Movies I collect horror, and a long time. Thanks Aldie, due to which my collection is supplemented with many interesting specimens. But was forced to conclude that good quality horror long can not be found.

So, what is a good, quality horror film in my understanding? Easier said then there should not be.

Thus, the film is not a zombie (in every sense of the word), other nekrobiotiki, bloodthirsty aliens from outer space (another time, measurements etc.). There is no giant cockroaches, snakes and other giant animals. It is not tomato-killers, predatory condoms and other fruits of expanded consciousness.

In good horror movie to anyone do not let cancer, did not squeeze my eyes, nothing pierced, not eaten alive, not dismembered and boiled, parts or whole.

In good horror movie is not vengeful ghosts, black gates of hell, witches, werewolves and other stamps. In it the hero does not go mad on the dose of drug, marsh miasma and other poisonous gases.

In this film, all familiar and recognizable. Horror is always implied, not explicitly. I agree on the scary shadow behind him turn the knob on the door. At YiuTube I saw (sorry, can not remember), a film about a girl who was afraid of the dark and calls his father, when at night the house lights go down. It helps her step count - there are only a ten - the film ends when the girl's voice says "eleven ... twelve ...". That's about what I would call this, a good horror film.

Where would only find them?

[info] temmokan

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pregnant Women With Black Forest Ham

this video will also become accordion

While it is in my possession picture of friends once, namely at [info] gevella

Letter Of Proof For Community Service

dry wines are all identical and all - do not roll

Check out "Chateau Chenu-Lafitte" . The very "shate carriage," which should be drunk from the bottle on the train suddenly realizing that what is waiting for you tomorrow is something from which you escaped yesterday?

It seemed to us almost neotlchimym from "montepulciano d'abruzzo" Italian (it also took the bottle) and vobschem all dry wines are the same, did not come out of my palate.

With a romantic evening Katsila more Italian, just under havchik - French. FIG them knows. Dry wines in a large number (more than glass) all the same tire, but the rake out the sugar from the bottom of the glass with semisweet not cool ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Free Pet Casket Plans

High Frequency Trading

A couple of my clients asked me once, in the course I of the existence of such a phenomenon in the trade as high trading.
Of course, I am familiar with this phenomenon, but, anticipating the next question, answer - the money of our funds are managed, of course, in manual mode because due to the huge cost of the TSA of any other method at this stage of Commons speech and can not go.

Nevertheless, below is some information about this animal - a high-frequency trading.

------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

Daniel Tierney And Steve Schuler like all the other mysterious traders inhabiting the world of finance. Office of their firm's Global Electronic Trading Co. on the second floor of the Chicago Chamber of Commerce behind the inconspicuous door, without plates. On their site, until recently, can be was found only a list of recommended books, which featured books such as "Reminiscences of a Stock Broker", and only in late summer there there is some information about the company. None of the public photos of her owner you will not find anywhere else.

But there is one circumstance which Tierney and distinguished from other Rounders: Getco (so-called short of the company) today rabotatet in the regime of high trading "says Tierney. In translation human language this means the following: Getco earns huge amount of money, performing thousands of transactions with securities in the second. This occupation has received called "high-frequency trading" became hit of the season on Wall Street. According to the Tabb Group, even though last year's collapse of the financial transaction rynvershaet 15% of all securities traded in the U.S., and it puts it on par with giants such as Goldman Sachs and Fidelity Investments. It is said that two years ago Getco has already cost $ 1 billion, and last year, rumored to have earned $ 500 million net profit. 39-year old Tierney and 47-year-old Shuler can be safely attributed to a number of America's wealthiest financiers.
«We raise efficiency of financial markets, bringing them technological innovations, markets, the aggregate gross profit "high" the trader $ 21 billion in June 2009, the volume of transactions on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) rose over the same period last year by 43%, reaching 6.2 billion shares; believe that while the share of "high" traders have 50%. 70% of transactions. Roughly the same pattern observed in the electronic futures markets and options.

Activities "high" traders led to the most painful and controversial change in U.S. securities markets securities in their entire history. For decades, the leadership in this market belonged to the NYSE, the share of which rarely falls below 80%. Then, NASDAQ and other electronic had begun to afflict the Exchange NYSE, but only recently has the structure of the financial market is really shaken up all the same "high" and traders a handful of assorted stock exchanges, which suddenly found themselves drawn into the orbit of their influence. Over the past two years, thanks to their collective efforts of the share controlled by NYSE volume of securities decreased from 50% to 28% - and this despite the fact, that the NYSE has brought his legendary playground in the sacrifice of the whims of "e" crowd.

"High" traders have reshaped the financial markets just as they did before the lords of Wall Street, the sample 1980 - Financiers of funds junk bonds, corporate raiders and private equity funds. "High" traders, and they generate public marketplaces, which serve them, and so-called "dark pools" (mass unaccounted for liquidity) have become targets of criticism from desperate private investors and public policy makers who are outraged - outraged! - The fact that Wall Street is trying to amass money in such hard times.
Committee Chair Securities Mary Shapiro warns that the opacity of the "dark pools" may "undermine public confidence in securities markets." Chapter NASDAQ Robert Greyfeld generally calls for an immediate ban the activities of "high" traders. "America is destroying the structure of its capital market, - Says, not hiding discontent, Thomas Caldwell, head of Caldwell Asset Management, invests in shares of NYSE.
But there is another point of view: all of this grunt the public simply can not see the whole picture. Because "high-" trade creates additional liquidity, accelerate execution of deals and narrowing spreads. Among those who share this view - George Sauter of the largest family of funds of Vanguard Group, responsible for portfolio investments in the amount of $ 920 billion, "We believe that" vysokochastotniki "increase the attractiveness of trading platforms for all traders," - he says.

Daniel Tierney, a scientist and economist and philosopher, began trading options on the site of the Chicago Options Exchange in 1993. His future partner, Stephen Schuler began in 1981 futures broker on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and then formed his own firm. Familiar with each other on Chicago's financial coterie, Tierney and Shuler in 1999, began discussing the possibility of establishing a joint business and in the same year established Getco, finding themselves at the forefront of brokers who began to move from trading halls of stock exchanges in crowded computer server room.
At first Getco huddled in one room of the firm Rounders, which barely managed to squeeze two desks and computers. Traders for the company looking for partners among experienced videogeymerov of the number of students who studied at the nearby Illinois Institute of Technology. As the Getco Tierney and Shuler started buying equipment dying dot-com and reconfigure it in such a way to conduct transactions on the exchange through computers - with even less participation rights.
Getco main strategy from the outset has become a fast, violent electronic securities trading. The first target firms have futures transactions which had been transferred to other electronic exchanges. Tierney and Shuler have programmed their computers to ensure that they appoint quotes and close deals faster than the competition. And once the market will react, repeat it again. By placing both the application for buying and selling the same securities, Getco can "reap" the spreads in the tenth or even one hundredth share cents to several thousand times a day while reducing the amount of risky investment. Lost due to lower risk income Getco gets through trade volumes. 220 employees working in offices in Chicago, New York, London and Singapore, the daily transactions with 1.5 billion shares.

Computerized trade - the phenomenon is not new, as are not new and attempts to demonize the consequences that it might lead. The era of exchanges with traditional trading rooms began to diminish in the early 1980's, when the electronic system gained popularity NASDAQ. A new kind of trading first took up computer geeks. But after they blamed the "Black Monday" in 1987, the influence of traders, programmers limited by conventional circuit breaker. Ten years ago, SOES-bandits - so called people who trade securities through electronic execution of small orders (SOES), - began to nail down a lot of money by arbitrage spreads arising from the difference in the rate at which updates their prices marketmey-kery NASDAQ. But the collapse of the dotcom and buried SOES-bandits.

In 1998, the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission Arthur Levitt (now advisor Getco and Goldman Sachs), dissatisfied with the monopoly of the NYSE and NASDAQ, has made adoption of the Rules, regulator of alternative trading systems (Reg ATS). This has generated a huge number of so-called electronic communication networks (ECN), which has brought directly to buyers and sellers of securities. Two years later, the stock exchanges, first set prices for shares in the form of simple fractions, switched to decimal format. Literally one day minimum spread, market maker who could put it in his pocket, dropped from 6.25 to one cent.

In classical manner characteristic of Wall Street, traders rushed to find new ways of generating income. Some of them are difficult to be called honest. In 2004, seven firms worked on the NYSE, had to pay $ 250 million on claims: brokers accused of illegal transactions at their own expense before the execution of client orders.
Others discern legitimate opportunities provided by electronic markets. The big brokerage firms bought stakes in various ECN, appeared in 1990. In 1999, Goldman Sachs paid $ 550 million for the company Hull Group, which deal in options, using computer algorithms. A year later, in an interview with Forbes Duncan Niederauer described traditional stock trading as "unlife-capable models. Then he worked at Goldman Sachs, responsible for operations with derivatives. Now Niederauer leads NYSE.

final structural change, paving the way for the current "electronic" revolution-tion in the securities markets, began Regulation System national market (RegNMS), introduced in the U.S. in 2005. Prior to that brokerage firms (at least in theory) have been obliged to offer the client the best possible embodiments of his order. But at the same brokers, in its sole discretion to determine what constitutes "best" option - the fastest deal or a deal on the very attractive price. This left the brokers set of loopholes in order to compare the application for the sale and purchase and either make internal trade among themselves, putting themselves in the pockets of the spread, or send an application to the stock exchanges, which they were paid kickbacks for the increase in liquidity.

introducing the same new regulations, the SEC has clearly defined that market orders to be transmitted electronically and immediately executed at the best price on a national scale. For Getco and all of its "high" fellow regulation national market system has a real gift. Many of them have started to place double-sided quotation requests for hundreds of shares. Others engaged in arbitrage play on tiny spreads, which occur between orders to buy and to sell at any given time. Still others have earned through kickbacks, which they were offered stock exchanges for the increase in liquidity - this activity is called "relapsing Trading» (rebate trading). Finally, there were arbitrageurs, who Like its predecessors among SOES-gangsters made money on price differences arising due to the microsecond time lags between the stock exchanges.

Today for pieces of "high" pie fight hundreds of companies: giants of the caliber of Goldman Sachs and Barclays Capital, the hedge funds like Citadel and lesser-known players such as Getco and Wolverine Trading. Lime Brokerage Company of its luxurious manhettens-one office with a rooftop garden provides transaction support for the 200 "high" Traders FIR firms and individuals. "High" Trading is going through a similar boom as hedge funds in mid-1990. Virtually every-dy day there are new "high" companies, attracting the leading specialists of the financial market. Former head of the New York Mercantile Exchange Vincent Viola has recently created a firm Virtu Financial and lured to himself, Christopher Konkennona responsible for service transactions on the NASDAQ. Rushed into this area, and private equity funds. It is said that General Atlantic sched-tila from $ 200 million up to $ 300 million for a 20% stake Getco (Tierney, Shuler and staff Getco owns 80% shares). Last year TA Associates has acquired a stake in the RGM Advisors, and Summit Partners bought a stake in Amsterdam Flow Traders; conditions of these transactions were not disclosed.

emergence of so many players in the "high" trading sparked a race of "technological" weapons. In July 2009, was widely publicized case of former employee of Goldman Sachs Sergei Aleinikov, who was arrested by FBI agents on suspicion of theft of trade algorithms. Citadel filed a separate lawsuit against the current employer Aleinikova - Company Teza Technologies - she, according to plaintiff, could gain unauthorized access to its software provision for trading, on the development of which Citadel has spent hundreds of millions of dollars. However, the Government has not put forward any charges against Teza in illegal acts.

today to engage in "high frequency" trading, you need the latest technological equipment. And in large quantities. Company Infinium Capital - the biggest market in the futures market for natural gas - has its operations from the office area of 9000 square meters. m in a data center on the Chicago River. The heart of this office - dozens of monitors.

Infmium Computers connected to the utility power grid, but for safety net The company has two autonomous redundant substation and rechargeable ba-tarei total weight of 90 m. However, for complete safety and it is not enough. Just in case Infinium has purchased and sets diesel generator power of 2000 kW. With the servers of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, located on the same floor data center computers Infinium joined by a special fiber-optic lines, allowing transfer of up to 5000 requests per second with a time lag of less than 10 milliseconds. Have Infinium and other servers located near the strategically important servers, stock exchanges, "in New Jersey, London and Singapore.

«High" boom is changing the face of the securities markets generally. Four years ago, 13 former employees of the firm trader TradeBot of Kansas City created a new ECN called Bats Trading. Now, among its investors - Getco, Wedbush Morgan, Lime, and seven major banks. Last year, the Bats to a full exchange, increase their legitimacy and eliminating time lag in reporting on transactions conducted on other exchanges. Now the share of Bats arrive at the reduces about 12% of all daily transactions with U.S. securities. Another 14% of total the volume of daily transactions it carries out rival Direct Edge, which stand for Goldman, Citadel and Knight Trading.

need for high speed data transmission, in turn, has created high demand for real estate, located as close to stock exchanges. Rent for the 0.5 square meters. m of space in Chicago data center, where we find-server converge major stock exchanges, is $ 2000 per month. "It happens that the trading companies pay to 100 times larger to accommodate their servers. The usual thing, "- said Scott Caudell of the company 7ticks, in charge of the servers are dozens of companies in the same Chicago data center. Now Even traditionalist NYSE plans to open a New Jersey technical center area of 36,000 square meters. m and is already taking orders for colocation.

What's so subversive? The fact that the minimum possible to measure the term robot traders seem to have an unfair physical advantage over other investors. You'll be surprised, but the reality is: a hefty portion of their income, "high" traders get due to the fact that they are coming to market sooner than it can in principle do small investors. In "high frequency" the world the 20 milli-seconds, for which the application of Chicago arrive at the NASDAQ trading floor in New Jersey (as is known to the public a sparkling display at the NASDAQ in New York's Times Square, no more than a TV prop.) - An unacceptable lag time. And so unacceptable that as a result, a whole a trading strategy, dubbed "a hidden arbitration."

Does this mean the institutionalization of unequal conditions for investors? Yes and no. Small investors actually lose the opportunity to do money on the margins of 0.1 cents. But the person who buys 1000 shares of ExxonMobil, it is unlikely to be disturbed. For him, the risk of another: overpaying for 5 cents per share, it is through few seconds may find that quote down to the same 5 cents - maybe because of the fact that brokers, intermediaries saw that he was going to do and he was deprived of such opportunities.

For years, regulators have tried to make the process of trading in securities honest to bidding and request prices given in the open. 31 years ago, when Arthur Levitt headed the American Stock Exchange, proposed to introduce a "summary Order Book »(composite limit order book), which made it difficult to middlemen pocket undeserved spreads. The idea received no support, but its variation in the form of various standards designed to make the market transparent, there were constant. The problem with these regulations in that they will not force anyone to actually "Bluff." The regulator may, for example, regulate what order the package of 10,000 shares should be set up for auction for a certain number of seconds. But it does not oblige the trader hedge fund, putting those 10,000 shares, to disclose its intentions regarding the remaining 90,000 shares.

It is not surprising that today the "book-" full of false attacks and counterattacks, committed in the blink of an electronic eye - the application for purchase and selling packages of 1000 shares have become a cover for transactions with millions of shares. Unfair to the smaller players? Not necessarily. Their salvation - The volume of transactions. If deals are made every second with a sufficiently large number of shares, it is unlikely the small investor otsekut of nickels spread.

Another controversial offshoot of "high" trading - the so-called sponsored access, without which no costs have 15% of transactions conducted on the NASDAQ. In the past, traders were required to send each application registered broker-dealers that are either transported its stock exchange, or performed yourself. Sponsored access allows traders to send orders directly to the Exchange. This is of concern to those who believes that the lack of control over the traders could lead to a catastrophe, what has already happened in the derivatives market during the current financial crisis.
Some "high" traders sent 1000 requests per second. If suddenly in the trading system fails, then for those two minutes, which usually go to remedy the situation, inattentive trader can send 120,000 of erroneous bids. If these shares are worth $ 20 apiece, then the cost of failure will be disastrous $ 2.4 million

«If you do not strengthen the control, then followed the collapse in the spirit of a collapse of Long Term Capital Management [in 1998] will just 5 minutes "- Lime Brokerage warned in a letter sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission in June this year.
If many of the centers stock trading adapted to the maintenance of "high" traders, the "dark pools" are doing everything to escape their attention. Seth Merrin made at Liquidnet 1999 as a platform on which professional money managers can anonymously share large packages of securities. "Dark pools" - Direct descendants of the broker's practice, which decades ago were engaged traders Weeden & Co., Goldman Sachs and First Boston: Wall Street then ruled NYSE, but a fair amount of deals with large blocks of shares made not on the open area of the New York Stock Exchange, and in closed rooms "on the upper floors." The task of Liquidnet - Hide from the market, including those from "high" arbitrageurs that the market displayed a large stake, and prevent a sharp price movement.

Merrin beats on "bad market" for new proposals and conducts legal dispute patent infringement, however, he's going to make a public Liquidnet company. His company already serves the deal with 61 million shares a day, and Merrin finds himself a crusader, which allows mutual funds, pension funds and other investors to transact in securities at the best prices. In any case, systems like Liquidnet or Advanced Execution System, created by the bank Credit Suisse (300 million shares a day), approximately 8% of all securities transactions by the end of the year is projected to rise to 10%.

Problem such sources of liquidity that they really "dark" because the secret of their applications from the public markets. In addition, the address of the dark pools "are heard accusations that they are cut off from the investors the best prices as a" dark "and in the conventional markets. And as a consequence - appeals to hard Regulation of "dark pools" or for their immediate ban.

advocates methods of "Big Brother" should calm down. System programmers "high" companies have already got down to business and started to get out, in what period of time between public offers and requests stock prices carry out their transactions "dark pools" to declare their own prices near these time periods (thus forcing the "dark pools" search Countermeasures Countermeasures "high" traders).

This game of "cat and mouse" further increases the speed transactions and even more narrowing spreads. Perhaps it is not quite the securities market, which is envisioned his "supervisors", but it works excellent.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Hairstyle Should I Get Generator

Off-topic (but very important)

Trade - it's the only job where I know I will not be shortened, and I can not say that I'm too old for her. This is also the only work where there is no upper limit on salaries, and for which we paid so much that there is no need to think where would earn more.

Beautifully said, is not it?

Preserve At Jordan Lake Wedding

And again about it ...

This post is a supplement, to illustrate the previous post about the cool guys hedge fund scene, in broad outline showing the uninitiated mechanics hedge fund. SO, LET'S GO.

How to earn five billion dollars a year?

"short position", "hedge funds" and "Spread", "liquidation balance sheet," "Execution order" - all these words to ordinary people seem to be financial gibberish. But without their knowledge, as shown by the American John Paulson, it is impossible become the most successful investor in the history of world business. Five billion dollars per year: as Paulson has earned a not very successful for traders 2010.

Some platitudes

In the biography of John Paulson since 1950 (he was born in 1955) and up to 2000's is dominated by platitudes. Hereditary financier from New York with, so to speak, Jewish backgrounds, graduated from Faculty of Management at New York University (New York University's College of Business and Public Administration), and, of course, was the best in the group. Then my turn came up, and an MBA degree at Harvard, then - to work in several financial companies, including bankrupt during the last crisis bank Bear Stearns.

Paulson resigned from Bear Stearns is not something that time, and when a crisis yet no one thought he could not. Own hedge fund he founded in 1994. At the start of running talented Americans were only two million dollars, and worked in the hedge fund only two people.

not to say that in the 1990 case of polsonovskih hedge funds went bad. By June 1, 2007 running from him were 12.5 billion dollars, of which 95 percent contributed by institutional investors. This means that Paulson got the confidence of many financial institutions and was one of the most successful players on Wall Street. But only one. But in 2007 made him a star the global financial world, and it is here that the banality over.

Outsmart market

In 2007, the company Paulson & Co has earned $ 15 billion Paulson and personal income was 3.7 billion dollars. This amount has been particularly impressive against the backdrop of financial "bison": George Soros and his Fund Quantum Endowment Fund earned 2.9 billion dollars, James Simons - 2,8 billion.

Paulson beat the best investors in the world on "short position" - the very ones which in 1990 brought success to George Soros (when he one day has earned 1.1 billion dollars by opening a position in the weakening of the pound sterling).

"Short position "- is such an operation on an exchange, a trader borrows from a loan broker any product, immediately sells it, waiting until prices go down on him, buys his back, giving the broker a commodity and the price difference takes himself. To play on "short position" must be absolutely sure that the goods have a certain category will become cheaper. If he will only get more expensive, the trader will lose heavily.

Paulson in 2007, he was confident that the mortgage market will fall. By this conclusion he has come under considerable experience: in 2005 he played on "short position" in the automotive sector and other industrial areas, but after two years of his choice fell on the mortgage. Paulson played against the market: the other managers thought the mortgage business is quite reliable. The result: up to 590 percent profit on one of Paulson's funds.

Hedge Fund
Hedge Fund - a private investment fund that is managed by a professional trader. As a rule, hedge funds have invested a large amount of money they are not available to investors simply because of the high value of the minimum investment. Hedge funds often result in risky policy that allowed by law.

From 2011 it is easy to condemn the investors did not think about such apparent things like the mortgage crisis, and to praise the "genius" Paulson. But then, in 2007, predicted the collapse was really difficult, or rather, many guessed that the crisis sooner or later, the bubble burst, but it was unclear exactly when this will happen.

By November 2008, at Paulson was already in the management of 38 billion U.S.: its earnings in 2007, explicitly raised the authority of the manager. In 2008, Paulson continued to play on the "short positions": this time the object of his attack were, in particular, the British banks. In September 2008, during the peak month for the global financial crisis, it had 350 million pounds against Barclays, 292 million pounds against the Royal Bank of Scotland, 260 million against Lloyds. In January 2009, short positions in RBS were closed, resulting in Paulson earned a profit of 280 million pounds.

think if Similar positions were opened on the shares of U.S. banks, Paulson could get more profit. For example, in 2007, Citigroup shares were worth more than forty dollars in 2009 - less than four.

Apparently, the idea of U.S. financial institutions came up with Paulson and himself. As a result, in 2009 he began investing in shares of Citigroup and other banks. This time he put on the increase and has not lost: the securities in the second half of 2009, began to recover after the crisis.

As a result of intelligent action authority Paulson has continued to grow, which, however, is not true of its assets: in 2010 they totaled $ 36 billion. However, with these means American has managed to surprise the market again.

14 billion a day

At the end of last week's newspaper The Wall Street Journal wrote that Paulson earned for the year five billion dollars. True, the profit for the most part, this paper and counted in many respects artificial. One billion of five - this is real money received as commissions from hedge funds, investment of foreign funds. A four billion - open positions Paulson, whose closure at the end of the year would bring him four billion.

This time Paulson as investment picked zoloto.Na background of the global "war of currencies", namely, that virtually all countries of the world are trying to understate the value of their national currencies, investment in precious metals were again very proper and logical investment.

Critics, however, are the actions of Paulson's flawed. They note that American does not know how to choose any one paper for their investments, and invests in a wide range of shares to one sector. Thus, it loses part of the profits, as some "chips" are the best market.

In addition, it is believed that the result of five billion dollars is actually much less "cool" than the more modest results in 2007, as volumes investment in Paulson's growing, and consequently, so does the amount of commissions charged. But despite all the criticism, Paulson is the main star of the financial market in the U.S. - remains already for several years.

Billions profits of hedge funds against withdrawal from the global crisis shows that No crises were not able to wean investors to invest in potentially risky operations. In this sense, stock markets are not similar to roulette (with her game on an exchange like to compare people who never traded securities), and the poker game: the cards picked jackpot depends not only on luck but on skill. If we continue this comparison further, the achievements Paulson will seem even more surprising: in poker is extremely difficult to find a player who would year after year, regularly won some prestigious tournament.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ho Much Xanax Should You Take

Yeltsin and Gorbachev

Originally posted by [info] dobrokhotov at Yeltsin

Today, in honor of the anniversary of Yeltsin on us again, come down the shaft of articles, broadcasts and posts about what "really" was the first Russian president. Most of them is, frankly, a boring, because people who appears to be much more interesting to expose the myths of each other than to try to genuinely understand but what actually happened. Of course, exposing some myths, in this case, leads inevitably to the emergence of other myths. Often, for example, from a liberal You can hear: "Yeltsin sold off Russia oligarchs."

Let's order. Yeltsin became president of the RSFSR June 12, 1991. What the situation was at that time in the country? As a result, the ruin of the Soviet economy that followed the fall in oil prices, even in 1989, industrial production has ceased to grow, and in 1990 became fall. In 1990 (before Yeltsin!) In many parts of the population lacks food coupons and feverishly snapping up anything that might get in anticipation of emergency disaster. In May, the 90-year government Ryzhkov proposes to force prices up several times to be able to provide the country with at least some food. Then VTsIOM receives the results of the survey: 56% of the market transition , and just as many people consider the critical situation in the country. Among the main problems respondents mentioned "survival" and "software product family." And yet the myth of innocence Russians: 46% of respondents believe that Russia will come out of crisis by 2000, yet 12% believe that ever before. Trade Minister Terekhov in December 1990, Ryzhkov wrote that because of the "non-payment of bills and the lack of hard currency" ministry "does not guarantee delivery in January of food." Nizhny Novgorod city council wrote to Gorbachev that there was no money to provide a minimum food, even "children, pregnant and lactating women. Oil production for the year falling by 20%. Minister of Foreign Economic Relations Katushev complains that "in connection insolvency "Aeroflot does not sell tickets for employees of the Ministry, who is flying to different countries, trying to knock out new loans. Power aware that the country - bankrupt and turn to the west with a request for humanitarian assistance. German Bundeswehr (!) Sends 8 million dry rations for the Soviet troops and their families. In the queue for bread in many cities, people stand at 5-6. In May 1991, the chairman of the State Committee for the purchase of food says that flour left for 15 days. Assistant Gorbachev Chernyaev at the same time in his diary writes that "Moscow has not seen this, probably, ever - even in the lean years." Let me remind you it all up to Yeltsin.

Equally important is the financial side of the issue. For the first 9 months of 1991 money supply increased by half (and it's a sharp reduction of production!) at auction for a dollar given for more than a hundred rubles. Thus, the actual inflation (and with it, and depreciation of the contributions of Soviet citizens) - it is also clearly not the handiwork of Yeltsin's press started much earlier.
liberalization of prices, the terms of which Yeltsin announced in the autumn of 1991, essentially led to the money regained its economic function. Prior to this money like there were any, but to buy them all the same inning. Of course, in terms когда кредиты уже никто не дает и оплачивать старые кредиты нечем, никаких перспектив у экономики без либерализации цен не было. Только вернув деньгам их функцию, could return the products on the shelves, and it was done.

Of course, it would be much more effective would be to privatize up to the liberalization of prices, but then it should have been done at the beginning of perestroika in 1991 for potential foreign investors already in what could not be persuaded. And at the beginning of perestroika political situation has been such that to admit the necessity of foreign investment and offered to sell a stake in the ownership of the Soviet businesses would be simply unthinkable. Privatization is among the Soviet citizens would not solve the financial problems of the country - that is, in fact, no alternative the way the Soviet Union and Russia in this period, unfortunately, was not. Anyway, there was no way better.

Well, after the liberalization of prices led to a rapid and inevitable their growth, while oil prices hovered around $ 12 a barrel, the favorable investment climate to think there was nothing. The country was ravaged, the state did not have enough resources to effectively ensure their social responsibilities - including law enforcement, so the criminals to oppose There was nothing. In the poor state an immediate order can be set only terror, but the example of the farce, which resulted in the coup Emergency Committee, see army and special services to subdue this situation was simply impossible.

Since the state-owned enterprises have been destroyed, effectively Managing imagine it was impossible, and privatization was the only option here. But what could be expected from privatization in an environment where people was poor? For what these billions and who might sell the curving Soviet enterprises? Probably the right move would be, for example, the decision to how to fix 30% of the shares of privatized enterprises by foreign investors, which would, firstly, to sell from the more expensive, and secondly, the possible would subsequently reduce the impact of corruption (big Western companies still are on average less likely to resolve issues in a bath under a bottle of vodka). You can also could determine that the other 30% of the shares are assigned to company employees, and only the remainder of the package is sold at an auction open to all. About такая же схема использовалась при реприватизации в Японии после Второй мировой войны и она могла бы помочь решить проблему «красных директоров». Одним словом admittedly, the privatization would be more effective and Yeltsin is responsible for this part of his responsibility.

Yet the myth of "predatory" nature of the Privatization - a myth. Usually cheated represent normal workaholic with the plant, which went for a pittance moneybags. But laborors themselves fled to change vouchers for money, because they do not have any idea about how to manage production, and no dividends at first shares of most companies in the first initially did not bring. But in the MMM money bear happily - this really was the people the level of economic scholarship and can not be in this blame. If we are to complain about someone, then those enterprising people who know how to manage property, but did not want or could not communicate with the criminals. Here are sorry for them, although the majority and they somehow settled into a new life. As for the loans for shares - there is a very interesting study recently published Daniel Treisman University of California, which clearly shows that the cost of selling companies at that time if there was less than the market, the discount rate generally fit into the standard framework for placing such a large stake.

power of the Yeltsin era, many now ( Belkovsky such ) describe as the power of money. But we can not accept, and equity words Valentin Yumashev , who besieged the journalist in a recent interview, "there were no billionaires in Yeltsin, under Yeltsin have not yet happened. " And not only in the amount of capital, and in that so-called oligarchs then there were certainly no closer to power than now. Then, at least, between them although there were competition, what we see today. When Yumashev said that under Yeltsin leadership of the country was left to the mercy of the oligarchs, he asked for examples of specific policy decisions. And this is a strong argument, because everyone who ever knows anything of Yeltsin, acknowledged that it was impossible to bend. Still, Yeltsin, unlike Putin, for all its shortcomings, the classical strong-willed leader, and (again also, unlike Putin), he was not a cynic and a supporter of opportunistic intrigues. The only possibility to influence on Yeltsin was in the manipulation provided his information, than trying to actively use Berezovsky, but this opportunity came at the end of the 90's, when Yeltsin was already pretty sick man. Incidentally, contrary to popular myth, alcohol abuse, he never suffered a bizarre and slow his appearance was the result of several history of myocardial and action of drugs.

no less popular among the general public the myth that democracy is beginning to fold under Yeltsin, and with the active his participation.
Yes, Yeltsin's constitution gave the president too much power. But we remember that at the first election was the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, then the largest faction were communists. See how the Ukrainians are now blamed Yushchenko for the fact that he did not hold on to power, it is likely that now also be abused to Yeltsin if it came to power Zhirinovsky or Zyuganov. And certainly no one would make life did not seem to raspberries, if in 1993, came to power red-korichnivye, in the wake of favorable after the crisis of the populist rhetoric of the left. Touching speech today sounded bellicose jingoistic patriots who paint themselves fluffy rabbits who have been in 1993 the victims of the bloody executioner Yeltsin. As if we do not remember that in 1993 the tanks were firing at a well-armed men who tried to force to seize City Hall and Ostankino.

Just as absurd to claim that it was under Yeltsin administration is "bent" the media. Yes I find at least one prominent journalist of NTV or ORT, who would in 1996 would sincerely like to agitate for Zyuganov. Or this way: Imagine that the U.S. now appears active left-populist, for some reason popular among some segments of the population. Is highly probable that the commentators main TV channels will make fun of him and the serious press was not support - but whether this is censorship? Yes, Yeltsin in 1996 was extremely low rating, but won not by manipulation, but because black advertising against Zyuganov in the style of "Buy food last time!" from the viewpoint of most voters had under a real basis.

only act Yeltsin which is really a blow to democracy in Russia - a choice of Putin as his successor. One can go to discuss why the choice fell on Putin but certainly not because Yeltsin was counting on the crackdown. In contrast, Yeltsin only once publicly commented on Putin's reforms and this applies to election of governors. Yeltsin criticized the reform.

course, Yeltsin was to criticize and have criticized him in the 90's be healthy without any censorship. That's just something strange happens - most of all critics of the Russian leaders went to Gorbachev, who gave us publicity, and Yeltsin, who managed to defend this publicity. It turns out that most people would abuse those leaders who allow this to him. Current leaders, I think it is well understood.

Predyav not Yeltsin? And about Chechnya why no word?
And about the election the 96th. "Buy food for the last time" and the strategy did not vote for Yeltsin, but against Zyuganov - that's right. But this is not the whole true.

Still art student's record.
More about Gorbachev saw ... schA ...

not, okay. It describes the situation: a bus with Russian tourists arrived in Carlsbad Vary and the guide told them that there is now resting and Gorbachev that he easily can be found on the street. All immediately started screaming that Gorbachev had sold the country and that Gorbachev should urgently face to fill the streets of Carlsbad, and the author of the post said then, in Carlsbad without Gorbachev before Gorbachev and none of the screaming did not get No matter in zhizt.

Runet I thought the whole communist, and I have a picture of friends in the couple solid liberal positions. This is my picture of friends as well-matched or people simply rushes from outrageous to shocking - when "all" were the Liberals it was fashionable to be a communist, and all the trolls, and when "all" have become fashionable Communists was to stay liberal and potrollit Communists?:)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bearded Dragon Red Rash Behind Head

Pair Trading

prediction of further movement of any financial instrument - a thankless task. No methods or indicators are not able to on a regular basis to indicate the correct direction of trade. The market changes all the time, so one stop strategy work, others (not necessarily better) become effective. Obtained by cycling and traders, leaving a huge physical and emotional load of market fluctuations, often do not receive the calculated return. Alternatives to "predict" is, and plenty of them. A wide range of traded financial assets, access to various markets allow you to apply the strategy, in general, neutral to the market. One such approach is the pair trading or, as it is called, the statistical arbitrage.

main idea of the strategy is the assumption that the market is correlated with each other financial instruments or their group. A classic example of such pairs are stocks of companies of one sector or basket of stocks relative to the index itself equity indices. Sooner or later the market situation arises when the correlation is weaker. One of the assets (in the jargon of traders "leg") by virtue of any factor starts to deviate much stronger than the other, if not start trading tools differently. As a result, the difference (or spread) between price increases. Focusing on historical patterns and statistical calculations, we can assume that raskorrelyatsiya - a temporary phenomenon and the spread will come to normal mean values, ie shrink. Therefore, that "leg", which has grown abnormally, we sell, the second purchase, conversely, if the downward movement, buying heavily sagging asset, another sell out. It turns out, is one tool we make a profit, and another loss. Total to the general market movement strategy is neutral, we are only interested in the width of spread of the selected pair. Accordingly, once the spread starts to narrow, strategy will begin to generate income. We just close the two "legs" opposite transaction and fix the profit.

Thus, one of the main task is to find the pair trading well correlated with each instrument. It is important that they are liquid and available for discovery, as long position (buying) and short (sell). However, the higher the correlation, so usually already spread and harder to earn. In the Russian market the range of such tools small, it is primarily blue chips, futures for them, as well as commodity and commodity futures and futures on the RTS and MICEX. In addition to correlation, it is necessary balance tools in the pair, otherwise the dynamics of a single "leg" of the pair will prevail over another and the financial results will be distorted. For example, if we got together to trade action against the futures on the same rally, you need to handle that amount of shares, which corresponds to the specifications of the futures contract (usually futures per 100 shares). Thus, we chose a couple and begin trading in the direction of narrowing spreads, but spreads, as luck would have continued to expand. This situation, incidentally, the most likely, since we are trading against the trend of a more agile instrument. What do you do?

published two - either wait, or to average a losing position opening up new contracts. Waiting in itself - it is losing money, so to make a pair trading, have averaged. We can not do without a plan and pre-conceived factors and averaging steps in accordance with disposable tools. Must rely to sustain wide spreads at least 1.5 times greater than the maximum possible value based on historical data. Of course, such restrictions can not guarantee that, with some point spread will narrow. It is important to remember that the average losing position, albeit with minimal probability can lead to complete loss of money, ie averaging only increases the losses.

therefore advocates the strategy of trading the pair are trying to diversify, selling more than one pair, and the portfolio such pairs. Another "trick" the pair of traders is trading "with both hands, simultaneously on multiple accounts. The idea is that the position of we did not 0, and +1 on one account and -1 in another. Further, at some point profitable position is closed, and losing is averaged. Finally, last but not least aspect is the time-frame. Intra-day spread may be one, and the daily and weekly - many times more. This point should be considered when calculating the period averaging. Perhaps the best solution would be fixing a losing position if financial resources are inadequate.

Generally, the idea of pair trading not new and is very popular, especially in western areas. There are hedge funds that specialize exclusively in doubles trading. In Russia, this niche have not yet mastered. Perhaps this is due to the small number of assets available for short sales. In recent years, there are many software products, allows you to trade in pairs in the automatic mode, and hence the popularity of the pair trading will grow in the Russian market.

Pain Under Rib After Eating

montepulciano d'abruzzo

check out Recommended [info] der_scholar Italian dry wine montepulciano d'abruzzo 2009 - it seemed to us to delicious than CHATEAU REYSSON.

yet again, drank a bottle of semi-sweet "Ahr Winzer" and did so, dry wine certainly has its charm. Children's tastes' wine - only sweet "start to move. In addition, at the bottom of glasses with semisweet were some mysterious white crystals. By type of sugar, tastes like a glass. Semi-sweet wine is the only dry, which poured the sugar on the bottom of the cups was just sugar, but this ... uh ... who gave himself the blame?

later in the queue zatsenochnoy recommendation from [info] ferneregenbogen "A good option - wines from other continents. South America - Chile, mostly. I like Casillero Del Diablo, a simple white label, is easily recognized - a very strong and the" right " flavor, especially love the merlot. "

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Vicodin A Strong Painkiller

Comic concise horoscope

That said, think and make your mark?

Soft Air Gold Desert Eagle

Comic concise horoscope

That said, think and make your mark?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wolf Pen Creek Bowling

Trading System TANKER

tells clients Foundation that developed and tested the basic features of stock trading system, which poluchila name TANKER. Details will be published later, after further Testing and castings basic elements.

Acronis True Image Wd Installation Interrupted

gave Cloud - amerikansky trader earned $ 5 billion for Year

hedge fund manager and head of the investment firm Paulson & Co John Paulson earned in 2010 more than 5 billion U.S., writes The Wall Street Journal. Paulson also broke his record for earnings (4000000000), established three years ago, when he played against high-risk mortgage market bonds.

These figures show that the elite hedge fund managers are now the most vysookooplachivaemymi financial market participants. In addition to Paulson, these include the founder of the investment company Appaloosa Management, David Tepper and head of Bridgewater Associates, Ray Dalio, who received last year from 2 to 3 billion dollars. Comparable revenues are fixed and the founder of Renaissance Technologies LLC, James Simons.

For comparison, the largest investment bank the world's Goldman Sachs, a famous bounty to its employees, up to 2010 has paid 36 thousand people for a total of 8.35 billion dollars (an average of 231,000 dollars per employee). The head of another leading investment bank Morgan Stanley James Gorman earned in 2010 only 15 million dollars.

Typically, these traders like Paulson, rarely take all of their earned cash. A significant portion of the profits exists only on paper and reflects the growth in assets at the disposal of their firms. In the case of market downturn, these earnings may fall sharply. Another portion of the proceeds from sales will eventually return to their company.

John Paulson and his colleagues have successfully put the growing cost of commodities, which in 2010 was extremely high due to the end of the world recession and the resumption of the global recovery GDP.

COOL :-)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rembrandtkit How To Not Gums


[info] sertoun

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Sayings

dry and semidry. red.

occurred yesterday cast a spell over the recommended [info] mini_max wine: cru bourgeois superieur CHATEAU REYSSON haut medoc 2006. Not so expensive, like me scared ("only" 9 euros), very good dry wine.

still drink well liked in the last time Ahr Winzer (2008), this time a semi-dry. Wine is also not cheap (7 euros), but semi somehow very very "non vulva em non Rubram Legionem".

There the charm of good dry wine. From the throat goes well:)
There charm semi-sweet wines, and it has the charm, I was closer. But the semi-dry as something entirely by cash.

Tom Delonge Wrist Tattoo

yesterday it saw in a picture of friends at three

[info] gospoja wrote that works where it is filmed. She also leads the Vietnamese picture vislobryuhoy pig.

Maxine Jokes On Healthcare Plan

Psychological characteristics of trading

Absolutely all traders in varying degrees, are experiencing the same emotional problems, foremost among which are fear, greed and hope. Probably, many traders are familiar stupor when you sit in front of the monitor and watch as the price moves further and further against your open position. And whenever the hand goes to close the position and put an end to their torment, the brain instantly blinded by the hope of reversal. Another frequently widespread option is a case where a losing position is somehow still locked, but then opens up a new, trying as quickly as possible revenge for the previous one.

In both cases, as a rule, this leads only to exacerbate the situation and, consequently, to large losses. This state can be called a poker term "Tilt" when emotions take up over common sense and received inadequate solutions, completely forgetting about all their strategies and internal installation.

Consider the reverse situation.

open position is profitable - hooray! Let's hurry it will close, and tomorrow with renewed vigor and a clear head look at what to do. For the majority of people such trading is psychologically more comfortable. It turns out that a trader suffers a loss-making position, as the hope of clinging to any "nice" factors, and profitable - quickly closed because it was terrible, that is about to lose profits (better tit in the hands ...), ie, takes its greed. As a result, sooner or later (depending on the rules of money management), the matter ends zeroing of the account.

Statistically the vast majority of beginners, especially active traders lose all the money in the first year of trading. If we talk about Forex, what this figure rises to 95%. Even in competitive accounts, where they sell the virtual money and psychological stress is absent, the number of losers is much exceed earned.

reason for these results is the absence of a trading plan. If you make trades only on the basis of their intuition, to guess to almost every transaction. A characteristic feature of beginners is the large number of small profitable trades that overlap several unprofitable and eventually turns negative, which in turn directly reflects human psychology. However, if you try to do everything exactly the opposite, ie quickly fix the damage and wait for a large profit, the result is not likely to change much. Why?

The fact that psychologically sustain a profitable position is much harder than losing. Paradoxically, but resist the temptation to profit much harder than sitting in a losing position. Therefore, in this case at the initial stage to earn unlikely.

Losses or something to teach, or a person simply lose interest in trading. There is not one of the famous trader, who could earn a fortune without a trading plan, but counter-examples loss of capital - do not count. Develop your trading plan "with the bay-floundering" will not work. First you need to learn nakoplennyy experience of the world trading acquainted with the well-known strategies, and, of course, the main teacher is the market itself, which teaches the loss of real money. Borrow (buy) someone, and let the super-profit strategy is unlikely to yield positive results. It's a dead end road, because to experience all the subtleties and nuances of another algorithm still does not work, namely, the result depends on them.

One of the main problems facing the trader - is to understand itself, its nature, temperament and attitude toward risk. What kind of money you are willing to risk? If you can quietly watch a profitable position and make profits grow? Think ли Вы, что движение рынка можно предсказать? В какой перспективе? Что Вы будете делать, если завтра рынок откроется на 10% не в ту сторону?

Ответы на эти вопросы help from the baggage claim area of knowledge select the appropriate segments, and which will form the basis of your strategy. No less important rule is strict adherence to its algorithm. Even a good strategy may cause damage if you do not abide by the rules outlined in any developments on the market. Many are very good traders can not make solely because of psychological imbalance and impulsive trades will go along something "better", etc. About 80% of trading success is based on a stable psychological state, and only 10% - less engineering input / output (the remaining 10% - good luck, the case). Cast-iron discipline - Significant term success. Trading on the plan, albeit not very well, much better intuitive decisions. And the emotions we leave to the poor.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Extreme Wrestling Shirts

Notes flora and fauna of

last natural BG album "Pushkinskaya 10" was released two years ago, has since been released seven CDs: live album, singles, old records.

1.) Day joy
2.) Oracle of the divine Bottle
3.) Feudalism
4.) Our life in terms of trees
5.) Secret Uzbek

I already had, downloaded yesterday:

6.) Notes on the flora and fauna
7.) Glorious Sea Sacred Baikal

For every download I try to pay.

sabzh not impressed.

Another strange that something with a secret Uzbeks - he had previously consisted of four songs, but now one.

The Height Of The Netfor Men

integral wine viritas

Six years ago I began to study the range of beers in the German supermarkets have long reached such a degree of awareness that my stores region can not offer me any unfamiliar brand.

all changed, now I drink beer and wine often seems the time has come to understand something in this noble drink. Culture of wine consumption seems much harder to beer culture, no one did not come to mind to talk about what kind of beer is better suited for pistachio and which under the chips, not to mention the fact that beer is not important year bottling ... And here ... many conventions ... red wine to drink non-refrigerated, to love you want exceptionally dry wine ...

This week saw three wines:
1.) Dornfelder lieblich 2009 wappen der pfalz.

Dornfelder - a grape. lieblich something like our "sweet" and three words at the end point that the wine from the Palatinate, that is German. Wine is cheap (1.5 euros / 60 USD) and tasty.

German wines are still too can drink.

2.) Ahr Winzer 2009 portugieser qualitaetswein lieblich.

This wine is expensive (5 Euro / 200 USD) and tastier. The word "portugieser" kakbe hints that wine from Portugal, but written on the back "Wein aus Deutschland" embarrassing. Vickie says that it Ahr Rhine tributary and in the region grow just grapes for red wines. The largest vineyard in Germany.

3.) Le filou vin de france - vin rouge francais sweet

Sweet wine from France, too, seems about five per bottle. "Filou" from French "rogue".
On the back of the bottle piercing text in German, that drinking wine should be together at the end of a romantic evening. Text is lying - wine disappoint us. Too sweet, probably still "sweet" bust and take the necessary "lieblich".

Lieblich: when the sugar from the 18-to 45-grams per liter. "Sec" and "demi-sec" be it in French, which is strange, as "Sec" means "dry." But where the sugar in the German table wines - a "brut" is the French.

very naive cast a spell, about the wines do not know anything, I'll be glad to any advice. Once I was in my opinion have already talked about the wines and I was advised African and Chilean.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Take My Dachsun On A Plane

ein guter Tag

Gestern war ein guter Tag - Euro ging den ganzen Tag nach oben, egal welche Cross-währung man handelte. Wir waren den ganzen Tag long und haben einiges verdient.
Die nächste Woche überlegen wir uns mit Währungsoptionen anzufangen; momentan wird es nach einem geeigneten Broker gesucht.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lansinoh Compatible With Avent

Investment Funds Forex: Fraud or investment?

Judging by the glow of passion, which is now raging in the vast former Soviet Union, time (and long) to translate the issue into the next plane of discussion: Investment Funds Forex as a new and 99% of cases and scams withdrawals Investors in the former Soviet Union.

Forex Investment funds have become a new target of investments - in the former Soviet Union investors, attracted by the examples phenomenal success of investment funds Buffett, Soros and other bigwigs of the financial market globally, invest in domestic and foreign "nuggets" traders and ... 99% of losing money.

The question arises: how to distinguish between an investment fund in which the investor almost guaranteed to be able to earn money from fraudulent, in which the investor is almost guaranteed to lose the money invested.

about these criteria - This article.

ideal fraudulent scheme to investors, used by some brokers and dealing centers forex.

scams based on:

- a preliminary conspiracy Dealing Centre (Broker) Forex with a successful trader, collect funds for their own investment Fund, which opened a live trading account, of course, in this DC.

- crooks are well aware of the requirements and demands of investors, respectively, under these requirements pre-prepared "evidence" and "facts" that 99% of convincing investors to give money to fraudsters.

Algorithms and stages of fraudulent scheme:

- on internet forums dealing center / broker is unwound name of a trader. Usually it is - the winner of which increased by 5 ... 10 ... 20 or more times over several months. Instantly turn a PR promotion of the trader (with him and DC) across the Internet (interviewed in this trader printed photographs, published his sermons for beginners (without disclosure of the trading system), how can and should work on forex, of course, in this DC).

Thus the task is executed, at least dealing center: place a PR campaign and on the "living example" made an impact on the subconscious beginners on how to easily and freely novice trader can earn huge money for a month or two, of course, in this DC.

- if the "promotion called" Can a trader announces the creation of his own investment fund forex. In support of Excellence for investors given the password to verify the "real" trading account for the last 0.5-2.5 years, plus a trader at astounding 2.000% -10,000% (you can "draw" on the terminal MT4 any amount, as long as investors believe. The fact that the technical support of many trading platforms (eg, MT4) can "fit in" or to change any history of any account written "under the" investor ", in compliance with manimenedzhmenta, exhibiting stops, etc.).

- referred to as "successful trader collects the money in your investment Fund pays out dividends to investors and first ... creating a classic Ponzi scheme.

- one day Dealing Centre / broker announces of losing all the deposit forex investment fund, and "successful trader" completely and permanently disappear (as manage your account at Forex, you can anywhere in the world, the technique of the "disappearance" does not cause too much difficulty). According to some indirect data, the missing trader earns 10% -25% of the lost Investor sum, the rest is dirty dealing center, which any legal liability for "loss" does not carry.

- Dealing Centre / forex brokers will be required to assist the investigation and angry investors - will give all the materials, sent a trader in DC at the opening account history of the movement of money in the account of the trader, will provide on its web site forum for investors, which all together will be condemned "unworthy of man" and be sure to translate the conversation on the topic of diversification of risks - namely, should not invest in one, and several investment funds, and so on.

main question that arises in getting acquainted with the scheme - whether it is possible to protect investments from this (and many others) fraudulent schemes of investment funds Forex?

It is clear that any reasonable investor's primary interest is not making a profit, and guarantee return on investment, so the first thing it is reasonable to do the following:

- to conduct a preliminary check of the trader as an investment - that is, checking accounts of investors, real stories Managing trader at least the past 2 years (this is their method).

- have a tolerance of investors to trade the current trader to access online via password to a real trading account. Investor's important to make sure that the trader actually trades a profit and the internal logic of its transactions is similar to transactions in the history of its account (and not Dealing Centre "paints" the story an account with the update once a week).

- need a clear understanding of investor trading system trader. The first wake-up call for the investor is not disclosing the trader is essentially a trading system. If the trading system "of successful trader "-" black box ", it means she or it is" narrowly professional "(a simple secret), which at any moment cease to operate successfully on the market, or it's - frankly a fraudulent scheme, designed for investors broker. Generally, the trading system - a "handwriting" trader, the internal logic which is practically constant. According to the "handwriting" of the trading system can be said about the trader, even what he is afraid to admit to himself - his knowledge of technical and the wave analysis, manimenedzhment, psychology of trading, fear, excitement, and more.

- check a broker (there are a number dealing centers and foreign brokers whose information about the trader's account can not be trusted).

For large investors the ideal model is:

- opening a live trading account in his name to the provision of a password manager and trader access to the account management-

- opening additional accounts with other broker (to exclude the fact of fraud among traders and brokers to the detriment of the investor), and refusal trader away from their "own" the broker to "stranger" should cause suspicion among investors, unnecessarily quotes from all brokers the same and if there is no significant difference in spreads and commissions - before you or a professional trader, or fraud.

can name a few algorithms for forex investment fund:

1. Setting a limit losses to the fund (15% -20%), at which фонд прекращает свою деятельность, а деньги возвращаются инвесторам (80%-85% вложенных сумм). Владелец фонда, соответственно, заинтересован при наступлении any damage to personal funds, not to cover it IF.

2. trade openness, ie investors access to the general balance of the IF with a broker (ideally for investors to current transactions of IF, but it will not make a trader and will be right, because can occur up his trades by investors).

3. clear division interest only from the profits of the investment fund in a strictly time-bound (but not guaranteed by 7% -10% monthly investor)

4. risk sharing losses among investors and traders, for example, upon the occurrence of margin-Cola (0.85 from the initial trading account), a trader guarantees to the investor return of 30% -50% of the lost them money on wine trader (ie, 4.5% -7.5% of the investment) within the stipulated time in advance, or broker shall pay this compensation to the investor from lying on his account personal deposit trader.


- for 1 million dollars of investment - private equity trader should be 45-75 thousand dollars.

- if a trader does not have these tools as a guarantee - take it early in the management of a million dollars.

- if he takes control of the money, investors should seriously consider, because Wonderland does not happen and if the trader at his own expense 5.1 lots failed to earn 50-70 thousand dollars, he would never be able to trade profitably 100-200 or more lots.

can even give an example of break-even investment in forex investment fund:

- guarantees the broker set a limit losses to 15% for an investment fund.

- guarantees the trader to reimburse up to half of the losses of the limit losses.

- introduction percent profit (dividends) in relation to limit losses.

- After receiving the first paid dividends investor goes to the break-even entire investment, in parallel an increasing proportion of investment Commons (trader) as a guarantee of repayment of half of the loss limit losses.

Example: 1.000 $ investment.

limit losses - 15% (of which 7.5% of returns investors IF the head when you stop trading broker because of a loss of 15%). Further schedule of investment growth and the onset of break-even at different percentage yield investment fund may look like this: 5% in the quarter, 10% in the quarter, 15% in the quarter, 20% in the quarter.

Generally, the relationship between the investor and trader as relationships within the family: when all is well - they do not relate to, in case of force majeure circumstances, the same pop up all the internal and hidden contradictions, the effects of which investors have to calculate in advance. The success of partners can only be in the balance of mutual interests, when he's not - begins the path to bankruptcy - Как минимум одного из партнеров.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Hello everyone, today is a

UNUSUAL entry as everything is taught in German. My idea today was that I should lead off and on my blog in other languages, especially since there are clients with me, the German and English as a first language. Right now I do not know yet whether the already a mature or a snap idea, time will show it.

Since the last week, the market turmoil increased and more difficult trading esrtmal, say you have to apply very strict money management approaches, otherwise NO CHANCE :-) We

this week not in Euro / USD, GBP but trade is fairly volatile surprisingly - 2 days running up to 120 points is no longer a rarity ...

prediction I will make this time not because we are fully in trading.

In this sense, then to

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it helps in the life of Buddhist practice

Try to tell someone:
-I am a practicing Buddhist, every day, meditate, -в ответ наверняка услышишь:
-И как тебе это в жизни помогает?

Характерно, что если сказать "я крещёный православный и каждую неделю хожу в церковь" никто this will not ask.

I try to understand the thinking of such voproschayuschego. Life from his point of view is when the morning alarm rings, then Metro, then work, then Metro again, then ravioli with sour cream and sleep. Here in this process somehow has to help the Buddhist practice.

If you want a lot of money - well Work. Do not meditate, but it works:) If you want a lot of women - go to women. Do not meditate, do not, namely, go to women. Pursuing religious practice become more relaxed (ie passive pofigistichnym) and do not gnaw his place in the sun with a proper rage. Meditation in the "life" does not help, but hinders my friends.

Buddhist master, perhaps as an Orthodox saint, not perfectly arranged in life, and just kept on this very life at a respectful distance. Meditates day and night, or praying, and credit cards he has not. And we, the homeless are spiritual, or have a credit card or know how to get it, but for him this problem unreachable. And if you have such a spiritually enlightened man something to do with the bank or even solve some problem of life, of which every day we decide to tens, he calls us, spiritual vagabonds, and asks us to razrulit his problem because he only knows how to defend the life of 10 steps and observe his holiness, and do anything he can not and do not want to be able, for only begin to do - holiness is gone, and currently sit on the sidelines and over again that all vanity and decay.

You look at some of the Buddhist teachers are absolutely helpless in all worldly matters and to count every penny of your allowance unemployment, and can not help recalling a question "and how do you practice in your life work?". Yes, as you say, Cheburashka ...

In the case of teachers azitskimi there is a feature that in the spiritual level is given the ability to make something natural for Asians with the birth and profoundly alien to Europeans. He knows how to have chopsticks - he is enlightened, we can not - we urgently need to pay for retreats, for we are spiritual vagabonds. In this case, no one confused that enlightened in the metro orient can not, because it has no subway in the mountains.

course, there is another type of teachers. They do not get on the subway, because they have a jeep with a driver. They have their own website, training schedule, and sex with enthusiastic Buddhist, but about them another time somehow.

Friday, January 14, 2011

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"Arduino The Documentary" (Video)

Filed under: DIY

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Continue reading "Arduino The Documentary" (Video)


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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Filed under: Nintendo 3DS The stolen the other day from the work Nintendo 3DS apparently has a temporary end to a dissecting table overtaken: are big surprises though it is not (the apparently undersized 1300 mAh battery is because, unfortunately, no exception), but what could be better than boards and circuits at close range in her inimitable harmony considered? Even more of them can be found after the source link if you want auseinderfriemeln itself, will have to wait until the launch in March.

Gallery: Nintendo 3DS