I have a cart on what should be a cinema and literature. Cart is old, I wonder why it still does not have a LJ. Now have a reason - I have this cart run.
in the minds of some citizens of a book about the serious fundamental questions must be written in a language that can not read it. If a book written by a living language and funny to read it very interesting - it means the author of surface and no serious issues so can not open and trying.
similar film. If he shot a lively and interesting, there are a lot of jokes and dialogues, it means to us no more than a comedy. If he is cleared tyagomotno and sad and shot a couple of minutes inhibited the giant full-screen eyes of a child - it means we face an elitist film and certainly it reveals all the secrets of the universe.
However, it should distinguish between form and content of the product.
I believe that anyone touching a really serious questions about the movie (the book is also applicable) must be removed at the earliest possible easy and accessible form
That is, heavy tyagomotnaya form - this is a serious negative film (the book) and not a plus.
very good film: "Interstate 60". I do not know a better movie in content but in form it is easy and ridiculous.
example of the good book: "The Hermit and the six-fingered." I do not know the deeper books on the content (Tao Te Ching?), But the form book light, funny and (!!!) short.
So - should be.
Sometimes justified tyagomotina. For example "The Glass Bead Game" Hesse. Hesse did not write as Pelevin, but in the case of his "Glass Bead Games," the language is justified. Costs pushed his way through it.
example from the world of cinema - "Stalker" by Andrei Arsenich. There for 5 minutes show how people on the trolley ride: either you kidding, no dialogue, not even boobs. But Tarkovsky's all in their places, he is clever.
Only most complicated forms maksiruetsya just lack of content and form complicated to other people can officially classify themselves as speaking nebydlu "Oh, see what a complex / elitist thing I watch / read." More than this, as a rule, nothing.
characteristic that my conclusions are valid for scientific publications. Books on various engineering disciplines in Russian is usually written in a way that I have anything in them do not understand modern books in English / German for the same topics written by simple and accessible, although their scientific value and depth of content does not concede boring domestic counterparts. Book on discrete mathematics written in the style of "blah-blah-blah" is written so not because diskretka complex and different it can not be described, but because the author wrote can not or considers inappropriate for such complex abstract subjects to write simply.
That's why I do not like elitist cinema / arthouse.
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