Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gallbladder Hair Loss

Should I cut from Russia!?

I'm reading now Sarratsina "Germany self-destructs", very much. Yesterday came across a series of posts about how everything is bad in Russia :-)

briefly, what it meant:

1.) Classmates, friends, classmates and just young Putin - billionaires.
2.) Putin has 40 billion dollars.
3.) Putin put Medvedev.
4.) Caste Russian society. Flashers.
5.) Minimum consumption basket. Five shorts for two years.
6.) Complete absence of sane political opposition. United Russia zombies of the CPSU. United Russia - the party of crooks and thieves, hi bulk.
7.) Painting. 50% of Russia's GDP - a bribe.
8.) Statistics on crime cops. Caste officers. Pearl Ensign.
9.) 20% of world heroin consumed in Russia.
10.) Anastasia Tkachev. 22. Billionaire. Niece of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory.
11.) The total theft. Humble home of General Bokova.
12.) Science, Industry, and nanotechnology.
13.) Army Russia
14.) Secondary and Higher Education in Russia
15.) Olympic road. Monolithic piece of asphalt at 48 miles long and a height of 20 floors.
16.) Justice in Russia.
17.) Fires and natural disasters in Russia.
18.) Chechen question.
19.) Territorial integrity
20.) 9 rules of IT business in Russia:
1. Keep your server abroad.
2. Register Domains abroad.
3. Register companies abroad.
4. Keep your money overseas and do not hold your eggs in one basket.
5. Do not hold, say, the eggs in one basket! ..
6. Keep the database abroad.
7. Document everything that concerns your security.
8. Separate assets and risks.
9. You can still surrender voluntarily.
10. Traveling abroad.
21.) Foreign policy Russia. Relations with its neighbors.
22.) Ecology of Russia
23.) Station Kushchevskaya.
24.) Earnings in Russia
25.) Housing in Russia
26.) Russian Medicine
27.) Russian demography.
28.) Russia takes first place in the world:

1 in the world, the absolute value of population decline
1 in the world in the number of suicides among the elderly
1 in the world in the number of divorces and children born out of wedlock
1 in the world in the number of children abandoned by their parents
1 in the world in the number of suicides among children and adolescents
1 place in the world in deaths from diseases of the cardiovascular system
1 in the world in the number of patients with diseases of the psyche
1 place in the world in terms of trafficking
1 in the world in the number of abortions and maternal mortality
1 in the world in terms of heroin use (21% of world production)
a place in the world in terms of sales of spirits
a place in the world for the consumption of alcohol and alcohol products
a place in the world in growth rates of smoking
1 in the world in the number of children smoking
a place in the world growth rate of HIV infection
1 in the world in the number of air crashes (13 times the average level)
1 in the world in the number of billionaires who are persecuted by law enforcement agencies
1 in the world by number of accidents
a place in the world imports of Chinese Car
1 place in the world by importing kangaroo meat from Australia
a place in the world in volume of exports of rough diamonds
a place in the world explored Stocks silver

say that Russia first in population decline, when the 2009th loss was not generally - a strong step :-)


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