Saturday, May 21, 2005

Bionicle Ds How Do I Beat Lava

n0b0p0p0 @ 2005-05-21T23:52:00

so damn much shit happened again so damn

hurt so damn sad yet so happy
that someone is there

I would like to thank my Carlie,
comes in the middle of the night to me, because I need him

understands me,
me courage makes me hopeful
be can, as I am
me his opinion says
no matter how it is
thank hasi .. love you ..

still HUGE, thank you, my horst
mausi I have you in the last time so fond trust
thank you for your,
thank you for your open ears
and for your honesty
it is as sweet as you
oh " you're pretty, "say
I'm glad we have it all together
I'm happy to tell me stories overnight
again:) smoking history
, drinking stories, stories
of love, life
just thank that you are there
and that you can understand me
love u \u0026lt;3
thx to my best, my anne
simply does not exist to say more
than that,
you could make those
wanted I always
girlfriend such,
through thick and thin,
by horny times and

fucking times am so glad to have you
're the best
love u so much

you all give me the feeling that I'm something special

I had long since ceased
thank you for your words, not for
, if
words can say nothing more
silence is golden sometimes ..
you know always know when silence is true when talking

I is so good, so good with you talk
can you help me about a time away,
me, if I were alone, would make
thank you to go away with me thank you for everything


bibi .. yes still bibi
wants because significant non-name-is essential if what negative is
I thank you for ne most wonderful time
for a lot of fun
laugh but also a lot of crying,
I always thought
we were perfect, we were the
belong together
I thought too much
I was living my dream now I'm awake

and it goes on ..
yes, my life goes on
without you
without this shit spielchen
I will not be your stopgap
not your doormat
I have feelings just like you
you repress your feelings

I no longer long enough I've cried I'm
you long enough after crawling
I was long enough to,
has always yielded to change
times are
either you pull you your fucking ass on
and fight for me,
or I am waiting for the,
can love as much as I
the takes me as I am

does not have to speak evil of his girlfriend,
although he is himself to blame
dass sie so ist
verarsch mich bitte 3 mal und verlang dann von mir,
dass ich null eifersüchtig bin
ich scheiss darauf


cannes war tollo :D
naja gut .. paar verschiedene charaktere :)
paar streitigkeiten
doch im großen und ganzen tollo
danke, dass ich dich kennenlernen durfte, horst :D
danke für witzige minuten, natsch :D
°° spring willi, spring willi, spring spring spring willi °°
°° go frie, go frie, go go go frie °°


nagut muss mich ma fertsch machen
dor karli kommt dann
°° juchei °°
least one
can count on me,
breed of your comic:)


good birthday thank Sven survived
that you thought of me

thanks jan .. you've messed up my birthday


shit on it oh and friday was so unique

lol, had fun, shit,
on it:)
thank you for your understanding anne
frie you're so stupid you can surely garnix ;)
are great
steve karl're cute
daniel I'm glad
o .. drool .. looked so cool from: D


nagut got to go .. hehe looking forward

kiss me people ..

ps: looking for friends .. please report:)


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