Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Rock Deodorant Las Vegas

most profitable hedge fund - Quantum Endowmen

Since its inception ten leading hedge funds, earned 153 billion dollars - a third of revenues across the industry, provided 7 thousand companies. As follows from a study conducted by LCH Investments, became the most profitable fund billionaire and philanthropist George Soros's Quantum Endowment.

Founded in 1973, hedge-fund Soros Quantum Endowmen brought to its customers 32 billion dollars

As estimated by experts LCH, the George Soros Foundation since its inception, bringing investors to 900 million per year. The total return of a fund with 300 employees turned out to be for a specified period of higher total returns Apple, which employs more than 30 thousand employees. In a similar Compared wins Quantum and Alcoa, one of the 30 largest manufacturing companies in the U.S., says Financial Times.
the second place LCH put hedge fund Briton John Polson Paulson & Co., Which since 1994 has brought its investors of $ 26.4 billion is only slightly less than Boeing profits over the same period. However, funds Dzh.Polsona and Soros earned since grounds more than Walt Disney or McDonald's. Even closing the top ten fund ESL for 22 years of existence has brought investors more than earned a British airline British Airways.
"A situation where a company that produces nothing, earns more organizations actively involved in the real economy is a concern. You must be extremely vigilant with industries that are big and opaque. They could potentially collapse, adversely affecting the entire financial system, " - Told RBC daily Investment Officer Investment Management Justin Urquhart Stewart.
, however, can boast of great successes, not all. "There are excellent managers, who have earned a ton of money, but for the remaining 7 thousand funds experience very strong disappointment "- the chairman of LCH Investments Rick Sopher. According to him, leading hedge funds share one trait: they have tightly controlled the inflow of capital to avoid becoming too large and unwieldy to the detriment of strict adherence to their investment strategies.

My comment: Nuu, ie there is still something to strive for ... :-)


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