Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can Painkillers Kill A Cat

Numbers, numbers, numbers ...

When I

of 01 to 07 May 2009 hochlud my alternate ending of Breaking Dawn on Animexx.de, I am incredibly pleased with the Commission that I had received. And this nearly 20 readers, of which I was part of the request to write a longer fanfic but, ultimately moved me to "Rising Sun".
I started a week to write the first chapter and published the prologue to the 13th March 2009 first time Animexx. The few comments I got and the users who subscribed to my fanfic, I have really very happy. Later I got my fanfic on other pages and portals published. For example, bissfan (March 27).
was really known about it, but YouTube, twilight.4fans.net and the fact that Google already listed it at some point if you only "Twilight ..." typed. Meanwhile, I have around 400 registered members get r daily to my website, about 400 visitors per day, mails (or it is otherwise required for new chapters) and bissfan.de is the chapter with almost View 98 300 s the most viewed topic in the corner of bissfan Schreiber (the second most common is 17,000). Daily come about 500 - 1000 added. I twice get legal problems with the Carlsen publishing house because of the FF. The new volume bears the same name as my fanfic, which made for more confusion. On buecher.de was that the English original of "The short second life of Bree Tanner" "Rising Sun" means. The same message was taken over by tens of dozens of websites, thus the name eventually ended up on tip-shop signs in the world ... My Fanfic has been repeatedly copied and distributed without my consent. In many cases, give the copy from the author. Some of these people were reported to me and I asked for the deletion of history or the deletion of reporting the relevant texts of a side effect Administrator - in no case has who ever apologized to me.

When I am 15th June 2010 drove home from work ran "All or Nothing" Cher on the radio. On the same evening I published Chapter 22, that even days before the track "all or nothing " received.
just under 15 minutes 21 clock I announced via Twitter that the chapter will be released in a quarter hour. 10 minutes later, the page looked something like this:

In bissfan forum 30 of 45 people were in my topic on the go. On my own side were 20 guests and 17 registered users go.

much time to the facts. Facts and statistics are often used to prove things. Whether my fanfic is really good now, or whether they just swims in the stream of bite-wave, that everyone must decide for themselves. :)


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