Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birthday And Baptism On The Same Day

Blog reopening and apple cider-Drama

So here is again one. A blog post, came after several weeks and months, not more. ^ ^

I had first laid my files to have easy the new server to transfer, but unfortunately the Wordpress is not as easy to install anstandlos, so I got it put on hold until I A) was able to ask my nice server man for help B) I could think of themselves where is the problem or c) I think of an alternative. In the end, it was then but answer C ^ ^ I'm with LJ

long familiar, it can be adapted to beautiful, clear, and the users have to register to be no comments. I came out not earlier is beyond me, especially my own blog is for four years on LJ. oo

Well .. looks like with the new chapter out? It's still just a vision in my head, as was the whole story at some point and as the rest of it still is. Ultimately develop my characters always more or less a life of its own and there are occasional situations that I had previously built up in the head not so, but I still sometimes leave it, if I consider to be good. oO The last days I've spent renovating .. supposed to mean, I've renovated with brother and his brother's girlfriend bedroom. That was quite a while overdue and should go on the stage as possible fix, so we have not even in the whole two weeks done together. Some of the details about the wallpaper (the old, we had a year earlier, already scratched from the wall, since the room was broke, because first decency tons of other stuff and he used another room as a bedroom xD) ranzumachen again to remove it and to lay the floor.

Sometime between the evening I had to write really ever feel like the new chapter. Unfortunately, I then came with his elbow against the glass on my desk and filled my keyboard with apple juice. The first prognosis was: Esc and some of the front section and F1 - F4 I had drowned ... in apple juice. TT

After I removed the mess and all reasonably had got dry, I'm all for my keys tested and everything went really - still. A short time later, but again looked very different. @.

@ The Space, B and old took a good 30 seconds High to come back if you had pressed it. So it was impossible to write so smoothly ... now I have the keys removed with alcohol. It's still a little unruly, but at least the space bar and the B work again. Esc old and are still in stealth mode, xD and the F-keys are perfectly .. for me that is also important because I need them to play. * G *

Well ... maybe I'm coming tomorrow to the chapter write. This day I have devoted more or less the budget and my guild in the online game. ^ __ ^

Ah yes ... as mood Smilies me that I really golden suns selected. I found that somehow fits xD


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